Thrilling riding in Bosnia and Herzegovina


In the heart of the mountains in Hercegovina, you will find this hidden gem. Mate and Marco will welcome you to their horse wonderland. With around 15 horses of various breeds, they will make sure to take you on a fantastic adventure.

Trails rides

Located in the middle of endless fields and mountains, there are so many routes to discover. Withing 4 rides, I had the chance to enjoy

  • The โ€œlittle Mongoliaโ€ with many uphills and dowhills through the plains
  • The abandoned village where Mateโ€™s parents used to live
  • The vast flower fields, amazing you with their thousand colours
  • The cutest church on top of a high heal, with a thrilling uphill gallop to get to it, and the 360ยฐ panorama view of the area

Anyhow, I think you will never have enough holiday leaves to discover all that there is to see! The guides Suncana and Petra were the sweetest and always made sure we were having good fun.

During the horse riding holiday, you generally will get 2 rides a day, with a long one in the morning and a shorter one in the afternoon/evenings and get the chance to observe many sunsets through our best friends ears.

Accommodation & Meals

There are 2 small houses on site with a few rooms and bathrooms, with views over the farm and very cosy beds. You can decide to take full board and will have the chance to taste typical home-made meals cooked by Marcoโ€™s and Mateโ€™s talented wives. Dinners are served in the main cottage, and shared with the other travellers and the team. Meat is usually always a part of the meal, but if youโ€™re vegetarian (or just picky like me), they will make sure you get the food you need to be strong and energised for you long days on horseback.


During the meals or while riding is the perfect time to chat with the guides who will share their stories and tell you more about the history of the country, which worth hearing to understand what has happened in this part of the world.


During your stay, have a walk around Kupres and visit the recently built church. There is also some possibilities for cycling, hiking, skiing, and fishing.

Livno Wild Horses

Not so far from Kupres, you can find Krug Planina where Bosnian Mustangs are roaming free. During the 70s when agricultural mechanization took place in Yugoslavia, people of Livno didn’t need their horses any longer. Because of the respect and love they had towards them, they decided to set them free. Now there are more than 700 horses roaming free on the mountain of Krug where they managed to adapt to the wild life, but also to keep their friendly approach towards people. A few tourism organisations in the area organise tours to the mountain to meet these horses by buggies or 4 wheel drive. But ask your hosts at Kupres Holiday Riding before booking anything! They may have some friends who could guide you in the mountains with their truck, therefore, you can get a private tour and have the chance to encounter with the wild horses in peace.

It is an undefinable feeling to be standing around so many free horses, hear about their story and if you are lucky, to be approached by the friendliest ones.

If this made you want to visit this exciting place, find their Facebook page below for more information and booking enquiries

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Adventure by Emily – 2022 ยฉ